BULGARIAN POULTRY UNION - Representing the interests of the Bulgarian poultry industry
EUROMARKET - Farming equipment and diesel generators
TOYOTA INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT - A world leader in the field of lifting and transport technology.
MANITOU - World leading manufacturer of telescopic handlers and mobile platforms.
BULAGRO 97 - Breeding of commercial layers
BIG DUTCHMAN - Housing, feeding, climate control, and circular economy
AGROCONSULT ENGINEERING - Equipment for poultry houses and the industry
TINOX - Solutions for biosecurity and farming automation
BROTIM - Farming equipment, feed storage, and disinfection equipment
O&M ENGINEERING - Equipment design, manufacturing, and assembly
BIOVET/HUVEPHARMA - Pharmaceuticals and feed additives
CYMEDICA - MSD Animal Health veterinary products, technologies, and services
GRADUS - Breeding of broilers, poultry meat, feed, and sunflower oil production
V-KASIS LTD - Elanco veterinary products, feed additives, and medical consumables
FARMA SIS - Veterinary pharmaceutical specialists
MANI SERVICE - Carrier heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration
INVEST BUILDING - Poultry farming equipment including feed, climate, waste, and electrical systems
ECOMAT - Company specialising in the supply of mechanical, electronic and electrical equipment in the agricultural and environmental fields.
PAS REFORM - Integrated hatchery solutions
POULTEC - Housing, feeding, and climate control equipment
BIOCHEM - Feed safety, animal health, and sustainability
USSEC - The U.S. Soybean Export Council focuses on maximizing utilization, value and access to U.S. soybean markets around the world
CHRISTA - Supplier of feed and food additives and services on the Bulgarian market
CEVA - Veterinary pharmaceutical company with extensive experience in a variety of therapeutic areas.
EW NUTRITION - Is a global provider of customer-focused solutions to improve animal husbandry through nutrition.
KANTERS - Water hygiene, water management and liquid feed additives (also known as animal supplements).
LALLEMAND ANIMAL NUTRITION - A complete range of microbial specific products, services and solutions that improve animal performance and support animal health and well-being while being kind to animals, people and the environment.
SAM BS - Boehringer Ingelheim solutions for hedonic health
ASKLEP PHARMA - HYPRA preventive medicine, vaccines and diagnostics
PULCAP - Prevention against, and pest control
HARTMAN - Poultry farm equipment and waste treatment solutions
LOREN NETWORKS - Innovative system solutions in the fields of information and communication technology (ICT), industry and energy.
PONDUS - The definitive 3-in-1 poultry management solution combining automated collection of key bird indicators, daily recording and management analysis and building monitoring.
RAVAGO - Distribution of food and feed premixes, complementary feed, amino acids and specialties
SMART ELECTRIX - Consultation, design and supply of electrical solutions
EVER - CID LINES disinfection and cleaning products
ALIMENTS - Food safety, consultation and laboratory analysis
FARM TEAM - Distributor of veterinary products, food, feed, accessories and tools
NASECOMO - Insect-based food additives and fertilizers
ALL FARMERS ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA - An association of Nigerian farmers working for sustainable agricultural development.